ere Angels and Extra-terrestrials visiting them?
If so, what makes us think that we are not being visited now?
What if there are ways to contact these beings in space?
We have information coming to us in the future. The one’s that will be wanting to know may seek others who have a part of the ever enlightening puzzle of life on earth and elsewhere in space.
The next two years, may be best if people decide to raise their awareness and set their sights on the stars. It is time to begin hoping about the future.
It is time to begin wondering if you too are more than you suspect.
It is time for you to share your awareness in social networks.
Please share cosmic life in stellar space in space-time continuum with others.
There is hope for humanity. It is in space.
We as a sentient intelligent being species have been sent here to this place in space, and in this period for a purpose.
We are going to change our young intelligent being species because it is time. We are to train our youth to leave this planet and to learn their part to achieve this goal. We all have a role to play in the game of life.
We are needed elsewhere in space.
We through thousands of years of being sent to earth are to acquire knowledge for our individual particulate essence as we strive to learn to work together in space.
We are all on a mission.
The mission is to train our kind on earth to achieve skills and talents in the physical to be part of the overall metaverse.
The world is simply one planet of many that has been sent essences to be enhanced.
We are each an individual unit that is to learn to survive in the physical so we can accomplish more in space.
Here on earth we learn to survive the elements. We learn to exist while living in the atmosphere and elements provided us.
This is part of the overall accomplishments as an individual or particulate in the larger metaverse.
We are just now waking up our humanity to the fact that there is life after earth.
There is more in space and this is where we are supposed to be. We are to achieve greatness and learn that we are here on earth to learn about how to gain access to space and to return home once again.
For those that come to earth and do not make it to space in the physical in there life existence as a human then they leave and begin again. It is an arduous and daunting task.
Those in the past on earth have come and gone before. Some in the future will remember their past lives on earth, in order that they can gain access to the memories so that they will discover that they have been before and will live again.
There is a reason for all things, and all life has a season.
We are to learn to be brave and to learn about how we are to survive on this planet so that we can go out, explore other planets, and inhabit them.
There are some of us that have been sent back to earth in the past to do what we can to assist others achieve the higher levels of being while on earth. We have the inner being and the outer knowing. Sometimes, while we are in a learning process we forget and lose our way.
Some of this is part of the way it has been planned so that we can be allowed to learn more of how to achieve satisfaction at a higher level of existence.
There are ways we can achieve being and the most important part of being on earth is to learn, and achieve wisdom on the inside and manifest the physical attributes on the outside. There is an inner wisdom that we are to portray on the outside while living and existing with others. If we an achieve this goal and provide a peaceful means of support and synergism while here then we can prove ourselves worthy to achieve greatness as part of the whole survival of a species in space.
We become those who in space are taken to new planets to survive, explore, and achieve forming new civilizations so that we can reach out further while the metaverse expands.
We at present are embarking on a journey into space. This is our largest overall mission to achieve our goals together and to focus on what is important.
A large asteroid can hit at this planet anytime and we would be left without a home planet. The memories are returning to allow us to expand our awareness and education as to how we are to manage to work together to head back into space.
This is the mission of the Ascension Center. It is time now on earth for all of us to work together to achieve one of our final goals at this time of our evolution in space.
Ascension is what some of our greatest teachers in the past have taught us. Some of us were aware but we did not have the education. We have to learn how to use our whole system provided by the 46 intelligent being species that have provided part of themselves to create our DNA.
We are part of the future intelligent being species that will inhabit other planets in in galaxies in universes in the metaverse.
In the 20th century, we were referred to by some as the Star People such as those written about by Brad & Francie Steiger. The book they shared was their part at that time. The Ascension Center on earth is mine.
World - Share
If you want to make sure you get enough sleep on Tuesday night, you might have to get to bed earlier. You don't have to adjust your schedule by much: about 1.26 millionths of a second ought to do it. According to a NASA scientist's computer modeling, that is how much an Earth day should have been shortened by the subterranean upheaval that triggered the Feb. 27 earthquake in Chile. Some basic physics explains why. (See pictures of Chile's massive earthquake.)
Every point on the planet takes the same 24 hours or so to complete a singlerotation around Earth's north-south axis, but some points have to move faster than others to spin the full 360° by the one-day deadline. That is because some parts of the planet are much bigger than others, at least in circumference. The Earth's equator is 24,901 miles around. The perimeter of the Arctic Circle, by contrast, is just 9,945 miles, and if you stand five feet from the North Pole, the circumference you inscribe as the Earth rotates is a scant 31.4 feet.
Yet in all of those places, it still takes 24 hours to complete a single rotation. (The fact that points along the equator move faster than others is the reason NASA and the European Space Agency put their launch pads in Florida and French Guiana, respectively; fire off your rockets in the direction the Earth spins, and you get a free 1,000 miles per hour.)(See the top 10 scientific discoveries of 2009.)
Earthquakes alter planetary speed in two ways. Shifting plates rearrange the distribution of the Earth's mass, causing it to bulge imperceptibly in spots it did not bulge before and contract in others.
That rearrangement should further shift the Earth's inclination, or figure axis (the axis around which the Earth's mass is balanced, which is slightly different from the north-south axis around which the Earth rotates) — in the case of the Chile earthquake, by about three inches. The law of conservation of angular momentum, however, requires that even under these exigent circumstances, the Earth's angular momentum stays constant, which means the planet must step on the gas (or the brake) to accommodate shifting mass. The same thing happened in 2004 with the 9.1 Sumatran earthquakes that triggered the tsunami.
That earthquake should have shifted the Earth's figure axis by 2.76 inches and shortened its day by 6.8 millionths of a second, according to computer models.
If the physics seems a bit arcane, consider that you probably spent much of the past two weeks seeing the angular-momentum principle in action — at least if you watched the Olympics. Earthquakes change the Earth's rotation the same way a twirling figure skater changes hers — by extending or tucking her arms in, for instance, to slow down or speed up accordingly. The only difference is that the skater does so decidedly more elegantly.
Watch TIME's video "Harsh Lessons for Chile and Haiti from Peru."
See the best pictures of 2009.
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Alien UFO EBE Community
Ascension Center Ebens (ACE)
by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
Posted 12:30 March 30, 2008
We realize that there are countries that have their on economies and monetary systems that are used in global trade and commerce. We, at the present time, shall not interfere with what is of the past regarding the cultural maintenance systems regarding Folklife and the basics on the food chain such as the basics of food, clothing, shelter for the populace on earth regarding each land mass.
We do appreciate the efforts that have been made over the past few thousand years by those leaders and communicators who have come and gone from earth. The past is simply a way of comparing what was with what is now and what will be. There are some fundamentals of humanoid intelligent beings sentient ascensions species that have been followed in order to maintain life on earth in survival mode. The law of the survival of the fittest has served the basic four levels of existence well, and there have been some concerns regarding the break in energy and awareness on the planet during the fifth level on the planet called Gaia or earth. Therefore, there will need to be further investigation into those who have been acting in leadership roles and the basic structure of how the election process and the order of chaos has been dealt with in the past on various continents of earth.
For this reason, some shall be felling the affects of change during the next eleven months regarding the restructuring of intelligence as a whole as it effects the whole population on earth. There will be a complete rising of consciousness among the total population of earth with the rotation of souls who will be arriving and leaving in humanoid sentient ascension intelligent being species.
All beings from the human age of two years until the age of twenty years will be expected to be attended to regarding a proper awareness of educational training of their environment.
This shall include the understanding that all humanoids are sentient ascension intelligent beings of one species that desires to exist and to maintain earth. Many will call this the education of the environmental generation.
There are those who are in the Allied High Council, that are aware of the Supreme Beings instructions for maintaining order in chaos and there are over 87 species.
The Alien UFO Eben community will also recognize the Ascension Center Education (ACE) as a faith based community initiative nonprofit corporation to be headquartered in North America with affiliated offices in Canada, Grand Cayman Islands, and the Netherlands. This will assist in maintaining open order globally via the global Internet of communication. The Ascension Center will be in constant contact with the Allied High Council who in turns reports to the Supreme Beings. The reason that this form of communication has been established is to keep peace among all nations on earth.
The Allied High Council of twelve are those who have been elected by the Allied Federation of all Galaxies that are peaceful in nature that have formed an alliance to keep peace universally and to organize a war plan against all other hostile forces.
There have been prior attempts made by certain alien species to abduct human beings. We are now able to maintain an open communication to monitor earth and its inhabitants. We shall do all that is possible to maintain an open line of communication to monitor earth for reasons of advancing humanoid species. All awareness of intelligent life forms has been monitored in other ways in the past.
We shall establish a Forum of Communication among all groups that choose to participate with those who are choosing to be recognized as humanoid ascension sentient intelligent beings species. This is a process of awareness and operates within the alliance prime directives of not interfering with each beings own evolution. Each individual being is responsible for its own growth in time and space while on earth.
However, we have noticed that there are many who are awakening to their own raising of consciousness in various levels of the ascension process. This requires that those who have obtained certain level prior to offer guidance and support. This can be a very trying time for some who are desiring to find their path to return to the initiator and communicator of the all that is at the many levels that exist including the Akashic Field and the Unified Field Origin that is just now being introduced to a larger audience on earth through various organizations requiring belief systems.
There are many ways to become aware of intelligence both inside and outside ascension beings. This is one way of becoming while all that is expands and is in constant change. There are many on earth now that is now aware of much knowledge and ways of being on earth. Many are simply stifled in their own belief system based simply on reasons of logistical knowledge, cultural beliefs, science, religion, philosophy, and other earthly human systems of structure.
There are at present many levels of existence and awareness on earth. There are many who are involved in class systems and there are some who are involved in economic systems with structural financial foundations. There shall be a time on earth when there will be a better way to maintain global assets for all but until that time, there will be certain areas on earth that will progress at the same rate of speed based on the leadership’s roles of sharing awareness of information and communication.
The most important asset earth now has is the Internet Structure. This should be preferred with free information dissemination and free speech for all. This above all shall assist in raising the religious beliefs of the past called the dark ages and the controlled ages of information that followed. Religious and Information wars are classed with logistic expanse control wars, continent assets, and cultural expectations. Food, water, shelter, and space to exist are needed to survive. The whole populace of earth is responsible for maintaining enough for all. If each continent prefers to maintain their assets with elections of leadership for proper disbursements then no human being on earth should be found wanting.
If any human being on earth is found wanting of the basics for maintaining survival then those who have been elected by the beings of the location on earth shall be found responsible for solving the situation and bringing peaceful order to those who are to survive in that geographical location on earth. There will still be cataclysms and natural catastrophes of the natural planet that is navigated through the stellar regions of the galaxy in space.
This is known and accepted now by all inhabitants. Being aware of the total expanse as accepted by the total population of earth is now a required basic understanding of human being existence. Again we refer to the awareness of informational training of all those from age two to twenty years on earth thereby offering eighteen (18) years of awareness and educational training. This is to be taught to any living being.
Awareness of being is a basic that should have been taught and accepted by all that are in present live existence on the planet.
There is no excuse for not sharing this awareness of all humanoid sentient ascension intelligence beings. This information and awareness is to be disseminated immediately with the basics of food, clothing, and shelter for all living beings on planet Earth. The next order of business shall be to organize and strengthen the freedom of information among all faith based community initiative organizations, associations, groups, communities, and form an alliance with what is now termed the United States of America, the United Nations and the UNICOR with all nations under God on the planet. All nations are under the Supreme Beings and god as part of the evolutionary progression of beings.
We as an Alien UFO Community and those already a part of the Ascension Center Ebens shall be working together as Ambassadors of Goodwill to assist in this process of information awareness. Each FBCI shall desire to assist all those that can be and a new business plan and pro forma to perform is being written for the awareness and educational process that will assist all over the next few years leading into the date that has been set on earth of December 21, 2012 for a new and better way of existence for all on earth. This should have already been organized in a global way as sure as there is a United Nations and an Olympic Association organized.
This is a prognosticated program for our progeny of earth’s future inhabitants to begin in totality as of December 21, 2012 by all. There will be a twenty-year watch on those born during and after December 21, 2012.
We shall expect immediate improvement of the humanoid sentient ascension intelligent being species on earth while undergoing this evolutionary process. We have come a long way to maintain order in chaos and have strategically placed monitoring systems in locations on earth that are protected.
We have a prime directive to not permeate interference however, a probationary path and timeline has been employed and given to certain individuals on earth to assist in this evolutionary process. It is suggested that those beings and communities that are already awakened to the awareness of the ascension process with a valued date of completion of December 21, 2012 also take into account that there are concerns for the environmental awareness growth process as well.
This means that not only are those participating in the awareness intelligence information dissemination project on earth responsible to those in lower levels of intelligence but also, to those who are already aware of the environmental damage by those human beings who have come before and were not open to receiving intelligent communications of responsibility or for allowing for the growth in the evolutionary process of all humanoid sentient intelligent beings species that chose to come to earth and to employ tactics for the elongation of the survival of the elements of the global environment for the progeny to come afterwards to earth. The Alien UFO community explores experiences and shares news. This is the reason we have begun the Ascension Center Ebens Project in the Alien UFO EBE Community.
The Ebens are those who are a part of the alliance of peaceful humanoids and sentient beings who do not believe in killing other beings and are about awareness and the raising of conscious awareness among humanoid intelligent beings. We are the ones who are assisting earth and its inhabitants. We are the Alien UFO EBE Community and desire to participate in the raising of conscious awareness and the ascension center Ebens on earth. EBE is the abbreviation for extra biological entity.
Published in UFO Digest.
Alien UFO EBE Community
Ascension Center Ebens (ACE)
by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
Posted 12:30 March 30, 2008
We would like to thank all human beings who have participated in the alien UFO EBE community dissemination of information throughout the world. It is important to the survival of earth and its inhabitants with The Allied High Council of the Supreme Beings.
We the ones of the Ebens are those who are in contact and communication with peaceful beings not of earth's origin in physical creation now. They have been created in humanoid forms by those who were the original supreme beings of all that is, and all that will be. The Ebens are those who are a part of the alliance of peaceful humanoids and sentient beings who do not believe in killing other beings and are about awareness and the raising of conscious awareness among humanoid intelligent beings. We are the ones who are assisting earth and it‘s inhabitants. We have chosen a communicator who will choose twelve.
We the Alien UFO Ebens Community are organizing under one heading ACRONYM for structural purposes and for the correct order of dissemination of information. The intelligence communications informational organizations and /or peaceful environmental organizations on earth are assisting for reasons of bringing order to chaos while attempting to raise global consciousness on planet Gaia or earth. We desire to work in unison as tonal scales and vibrational flows like music.
We are in cooperation with many non-profit corporations as faith based community initiatives and various countries individual intelligent beings all of the sentient ascension being species. We shall attempt to make the transition of awareness flow as smooth as possible over the next few years prior to opening the portal of time on earth known as the Golden Era of the Sixth Sun or the space in time on earth known as the millennium of a thousand years of universal happiness to begin Dec. 21, 2012.
There are many levels of humanoid sentient ascension intelligent beings and at least five on earth today. There are many countries feeling the one constant in the universe, which is change. We who are of humble origin and are existing on earth choose to participate in the raising of consciousness of the critical mass in all countries and in all corners of this planet, in the galaxies, and in all corners of the universe. Many separate groups in the past have worked to assimilate knowledge and to disseminate knowledge the way that it was understood based on prior belief systems and prior words on earth. This all served those in the past but this now.
We are now about awareness cooperation among all peaceful faith based community initiative organizations that desire to communicate globally on the Internet. We do realize that there are many special interest groups in the world today that are simply interested in their own cultural belief systems and their own understanding of religions of Gods.
Other Articles by Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris:
ALIEN UFO TECHNOLOGY Ascension Center Project
Aliens and UFOs Changing Earth
Andromeda Galaxy is Home
Alien Telepathy
Alien Civilizations Exist!: A True Alien and UFO Story
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